- John E. Allen
- Richard Buchta
- Jean Carlile Buxton
- E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection:
- Godfrey Lienhardt
- Charles Kingsley Meek
- G. N. Morhig postcard series:
- Percy Horace Gordon Powell-Cotton
- Charles Gabriel Seligman slide collection
- Wilfred Patrick Thesiger
G. N. Morhig (fl. 1910-1939)
View photographs by G. N. Morhig.
Morhig was a photographer and publisher based in Khartoum and who seems to have run an establishment called The English Pharmacy. He produced a range of postcards of Sudanese life and its peoples, sometimes using the work of other photographers who passed through, such as the Czech hunter Richard Storch, or G. R. Storrar, Chief Engineer of the Sudan Government Railways at Atbara. Some of Morhig's later postcards carry a royal crest with 'By Appointment' written beneath. It is unclear as to what member of the monarchy the appointment is associated.
Scope of Collection:
There are 41 postcards attributed to Morhig as a photographer, found within a period album possibly put together by the Pitt Rivers Museum's first curator Henry Balfour (1863-1939). The evidence for this is that a number of titles towards the end of the album (relating to Kenya) seem to be in Balfour's handwriting. At least one of these Kenyan photographs is noted on the reverse as belonging to the "Human Anatomy Department, Oxford" and to having been taken by William R. Rose, an Oxford-based photographer, whose company was located at 133 High Street from 1916 until 1964.