All fields - searches across every field; wide ranging but may return less relevant material
Person search - search for photographers, field collectors, named people and people with a relationship to the photo or object
Search by year - search for photos and objects by the date of photo or date made (valid ranges: 1902 - 1997 for objects, 1877 - 1961 for photographs)
PRM number - search for Pit River accession numbers used in publications, supports new and old formats
+ requires word
- excludes a word
" " use spaces between words to make them optional
( ) Parentheses are used to group words into subexpressions
~ tilde negates a word; the word's relevance is negative; results containing the word are ranked lower than others.
* asterisk serves as the wildcard operator and should be appended to the word to be affected.
" enclosing a phrase within double quotes (") matches the phrase literally, as it was typed.
Searching for portraits of people? use our index of people
Search by area with our regional map of Southern Sudan
+nuer -canoes [will return results containing "nuer" but not "canoes"]
+nuer canoes [returns results containing "nuer" but results containing "canoes" are ranked higher]
+nuer +(>canoes <river) [results must contain nuer and either canoes or rivers, ranking results with canoes higher than river]
canoe* [results contain words such as canoe and canoes]
"nuer canoes" [results must contain the exact phrase nuer canoes]