Jur armlets

Accession Number:
1940.7.0295 .1 1940.7.0295 .2
Cultural Group:
?Jur or Jur Luo
Date Made:
By 1940
Brass Metal
Incised , Punched
Max Diam [.1, .2] = 90 mm
Other Owners:
Samuel P. Powell
Field Collector:
Samuel P. Powell
PRM Source:
Samuel P. Powell
Loaned July 1940
Collected Date:
By 1940
A pair of brass arm ornaments with an incised design.
Collected by Samuel P. Powell and loaned to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1940. They are said to be similar to a type of Jur wrist ornament observed by Schweinfurth (G. Schweinfurth, Artes Africanae, Pl. II fig. 5). Schweinfurth states that these were called yuoll anwett damarra, and could be made of copper or brass, although the latter was seen as more valuable and was traded in from the Baggara Arabs in the north. This connection would explain the shape of this particular version, with faceted knob-shaped terminals, which is also known in silver amongst Muslim women in Sudan and elsewhere (ibid.). Thick brass arm ornaments were also worn by the Lango; see 1925.14.12 for an example.
Rachael Sparks 14/9/2005.
Collected by Samuel P. Powell and loaned to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1940. They are said to be similar to a type of Jur wrist ornament observed by Schweinfurth (G. Schweinfurth, Artes Africanae, Pl. II fig. 5). Schweinfurth states that these were called yuoll anwett damarra, and could be made of copper or brass, although the latter was seen as more valuable and was traded in from the Baggara Arabs in the north. This connection would explain the shape of this particular version, with faceted knob-shaped terminals, which is also known in silver amongst Muslim women in Sudan and elsewhere (ibid.). Thick brass arm ornaments were also worn by the Lango; see 1925.14.12 for an example.
Rachael Sparks 14/9/2005.
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry
[Loans II, p.
308] - ESTATE OF S.P.
Manager, Westminster Bank, Stony Stratford, Bucks.
Collected by himself.
Data from his labels and notes.
322] - The following objects were not labelled & there was no list.
Some identifications suggested by similarity to objects labelled [insert] or others already in P[itt].R[ivers Museum] [end insert], these are given with ? [p.
327] 1940.7.0295 - Pair of brass armlets, incised design.
Added Accession Book Entry [page opposite 325] - All unlabelled specimens in S[AMUEL].P. POWELL coll. not otherwise identified have been placed in the Regional Index under AFRICA, pending further work on them. [Page opposite 327] 1940.7.0295 - Cf [G.A.] Schweinfurth, Artes Africanae Pl. II, fig. 5.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 27/4/2004].
Pitt Rivers Museum label - SUDAN JUR (DYUR) TRIBE Pair of brass armlets S.P. Powell coll. Lent by his Executors 1940.7.0295a, b. [LM 'DCF 2004-2006 What's Upstairs?' 18/10/2005]
Added Accession Book Entry [page opposite 325] - All unlabelled specimens in S[AMUEL].P. POWELL coll. not otherwise identified have been placed in the Regional Index under AFRICA, pending further work on them. [Page opposite 327] 1940.7.0295 - Cf [G.A.] Schweinfurth, Artes Africanae Pl. II, fig. 5.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 27/4/2004].
Pitt Rivers Museum label - SUDAN JUR (DYUR) TRIBE Pair of brass armlets S.P. Powell coll. Lent by his Executors 1940.7.0295a, b. [LM 'DCF 2004-2006 What's Upstairs?' 18/10/2005]