Anuak man in courtyard

59 x 55 mm | Negative film nitrate
Date of Print:
Accession Number:
A full length portrait of a man wearing a body cloth standing in the swept courtyard outside a hut, which has a raised stoep to prevent rain water entering the hut or damaging the walls.
Godfrey Lienhardt
Date of Photo:
1952 - 1954
[Southern Sudan] Jonglei
Image context - This image can be compared to 2005.51.351 which is of the same homestead and taken from roughly the same position, with the camera turned several degrees to the left.
That image shows a water pipe which is probably the same one identified in the lantern slide [Lienhardt 41] as Anuak, it also shows what appear to be notched fence posts indicating that this is an Anuak headman's homestead.
[CM 27/7/2005]
Biographical Information - Godfrey Lienhardt carried out fieldwork among the Anuak during 1952-1954 as a Research Fellow of the International African Institute, with funding intially provided by UNESCO for the study of African cosmological ideas and social values. He later wrote a two-part article entitled 'Anuak Village Headmen' ( Africa: Journal of the International African Institute . 1957. 27(4). pp.341-355 & 1958. 28(1). pp.23-26. [CM 15/7/2005]
Biographical Information - Godfrey Lienhardt carried out fieldwork among the Anuak during 1952-1954 as a Research Fellow of the International African Institute, with funding intially provided by UNESCO for the study of African cosmological ideas and social values. He later wrote a two-part article entitled 'Anuak Village Headmen' ( Africa: Journal of the International African Institute . 1957. 27(4). pp.341-355 & 1958. 28(1). pp.23-26. [CM 15/7/2005]
PRM Source:
Estate of Ronald Godfrey Lienhardt, via Ahmed al-Shahi (literary executor)
Donated 2005
Other Owners:
Godfrey Lienhardt Collection
Shelter , Textile , Clothing Footgear
Building House , Textile
Christopher Morton 21/7/2005 [Southern Sudan Project]