Rek Dinka women's dance

59 x 55 mm | Negative film nitrate
Date of Print:
Accession Number:
A group of Rek Dinka women perfoming dances and ululations outside the hut where a prophetic 'creator-goat' (nyong acic) was being housed in the homestead of an important elder, a master of the fishing-spear, in the central Rek (Apuk Patuan) village of Lony Aker.
Godfrey Lienhardt
Date of Photo:
1947 - 1951
[Southern Sudan] Warab Lony Aker
Dinka Rek Apuk
PRM Source:
Estate of Ronald Godfrey Lienhardt, via Ahmed al-Shahi (literary executor)
Donated 2005
Other Owners:
Godfrey Lienhardt Collection
Religion , Dance , Clothing Skin , Vessel , Shelter
Vessel Gourd , Building House
Other Information:
Another image of this dance is published as Plate III (facing page 48) in Godfrey Lienhardt's Divinity and Experience: the Religion of the Dinka (OUP 1961), where the following description is given: '...a black goat, which appeared one day in spring, when the crops were a few inches high, in the central Rek (Apuk Patuan) village of Lony Aker.
I was told that a creator, or prophet (aciek), or creator-goat (nyong aciek), had arrived in the village, and I went to visit it where it was staying at the home stead of an important elder, a master of the fishing-spear.
A small party, mostly composed of women and girls, was in progress there, and they were dancing the women's dance and making the high-pitched quavering cries which mark the celebrations of women.
In the centre of the homestead were several bowls of flour and grain, and a little germinating grain laid out for future beer-making.
The 'prophet' was in a hut given to it for its stay...' [CM 22/7/2005]
Christopher Morton 21/7/2005 [Southern Sudan Project]