Western Nuerland steamer

35 mm | Negative film Kodak Panatonic
Previous PRM Number:
WT.Southern Sudan.2.27
Accession Number:
The paddle-steamer Kereri with its two-deck barge attached to the side, setting off down the Nile in Western Jikany country.
Thesiger disembarked here at a Jikany village where he was presented with both a name-bull as well as a number of porters for a four month trek.
The Kereri was the mobile district headquarters for colonial officials in Western Nuerland.
Wilfred Patrick Thesiger
Date of Photo:
[Southern Sudan] Wahda
PRM Source:
Wilfred Patrick Thesiger
Accepted as Art in Lieu of Inheritance Tax by H.M. Government and allocated to the Pitt Rivers Museum, March 2004
Other Owners:
Navigation , Topography
Boat Ship , Rivers & Streams
Other Information:
Manual Catalogue (Thesiger album card) entry for similar image - 'VOL E p.
33/R 3.
The Kereri' [Elin Bornemann 25/5/2004] In The Life of My Choice (Harper Collins 1987) Thesiger notes (page 259) that the Kereri was 'the paddle-steamer that served as the mobile Headquarters of the Western Nuer district...Lashed alongside the Kereri was a large, roofed, double-decked barge, at present empty.
Once back in the district it was soon packed...A smaller medical barge was pushed along ahead of the Kereri: on it a Sudanese dresser and our clerk had their quarters.' Chris Morton [15/9/2004]
Elin Bornemann [10/12/2003] Christopher Morton [16/9/2004] [Southern Sudan Project]