Nuer rain in homestead

56 x 54 mm | Print gelatin silver
There are records relating to alternative images that we do not have scans for in the database:
1998.355.22.1 - Negative film nitrate , (58 x 55 mm )
1998.355.22.1 - Negative film nitrate , (58 x 55 mm )
Date of Print:
Previous PRM Number:
Previous Other Number:
64 4 (A178)
Accession Number:
Looking out from under the awning of the tent during a rain shower towards a cattle byre at Yakwach, with cattle facing away from the prevailing storm.
The published image suggests a date of August for the image, but since the image was almost certainly taken in 1935, it was probably taken in July when Evans-Pritchard carried out a small amount of further fieldwork among the Lou at Yakwach.
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Date of Photo:
1935 July
[Southern Sudan] Upper Nile Sobat River Yakwach
Nuer Lou
Publication History:
Contemporary Publication - Reproduced as Plate XIV (facing page 120) in E.
The Nuer
(Oxford University Press, 1940), with the caption 'August shower (Lou)' [Chris Morton 20/5/2004]
Research publication - Reproduced as Figure 45. (page 76) in Chris Pinney's chapter 'The Parallel Histories of Anthropology and Photography' in Anthropology & Photography 1860-1920 , ed. Elizabeth Edwards (Yale University Press 1992), where he notes that 'Such a line of argument might also point to an illustration in The Nuer (Plate 45) which depicts in the main an August shower in full pelt, but betrays through the peripheral presence of tent flaps the presence of the photographer (Evans-Pritchard) behind the camera. Precipitation has here precipitated the exposure of the photographer's presence and perhaps it is not too far-fetched to see this mirroring of the viewer's own culture in the tent pole and flap as modern anthropology's Las Meninas'. [CM 30/05/2006]
Research publication - Reproduced as Figure 45. (page 76) in Chris Pinney's chapter 'The Parallel Histories of Anthropology and Photography' in Anthropology & Photography 1860-1920 , ed. Elizabeth Edwards (Yale University Press 1992), where he notes that 'Such a line of argument might also point to an illustration in The Nuer (Plate 45) which depicts in the main an August shower in full pelt, but betrays through the peripheral presence of tent flaps the presence of the photographer (Evans-Pritchard) behind the camera. Precipitation has here precipitated the exposure of the photographer's presence and perhaps it is not too far-fetched to see this mirroring of the viewer's own culture in the tent pole and flap as modern anthropology's Las Meninas'. [CM 30/05/2006]
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Donated 1966
Other Owners:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection
Settlement , Animal Husbandry , Shelter
Village , Animal Cattle , Tent
Original catalogue lists in Manuscript Collections. Additional material in related documents files. [CM 27/9/2005]
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry [p.
98] 1966.27 [1 - 24] G[ift] PROFESSOR E.
OXFORD 1966.27.1-16 S.
Sixteen negative albums containing negatives
prints of photographs taken by donor during field-work.
All listed in albums.
Added Accession Book Entry - [p.
98 in right hand column, in pencil] Catalogue room.
Manual Catalogues [index taken from album book I, ms ink] - 44. Cattle in rain - Lou
Note on print reverse ms pencil - "64 4 A178 [numerous printer's marks]" & print front border ms ink - "NUER I/44"
Manual Catalogues [index taken from album book I, ms ink] - 44. Cattle in rain - Lou
Note on print reverse ms pencil - "64 4 A178 [numerous printer's marks]" & print front border ms ink - "NUER I/44"
Other Information:
Image context - In E.
Evans-Pritchard's article Economic Life of the Nuer: Cattle (Part 2), Sudan Notes and Records XXI, No.1, 1938, p.37, he notes that 'In July of the same year [1935] I was practically imprisoned at Yakwac for water lay everywhere several inches deep at the back of the hamlet and progress through the rank grasses was laborious and even dangerous because it was impossible to detect the deep water-filled holes in which a leg might easily be broken.' [Chris Morton 1/6/2004]
Christopher Morton [20/5/2004] [Southern Sudan Project]