Officials in Nuerland

204 x 150 mm | Negative film Nitrate
Date of Print:
1980s circa (Museum print?)
Previous PRM Number:
Accession Number:
Two British officers sitting outside a tent pitched near to a Nuer settlement.
To the left is apparently Henry Godfrey Wedderburn Maxwell (1897-1972), who was involved in various operations against the Gaweir and Lou during 1928-1930, and to the right (with a Nuer man sitting near his chair) is Percy Coriat (1898-1960) who was a highly-regarded administrator, acting as a District Commisioner in Nuerland between 1922 and 1931.
It is likely given Wedderburn-Maxwell's presence with Coriat that this photograph by Meek was taken during the 'Gaweir March' of 1928.
[CM 4/6/2007]
Charles Kingsley Meek
Date of Photo:
1928 circa
[Southern Sudan] Upper Nile
European English Nuer
Percy Coriat
Only one location is identified in Meek's southern Sudan photographs, on the reverse of 1998.204.11.1 which notes: 'The frail craft I used to cross a khor (river) between Nasser and Gargwang, in December.
This khor is now practically dry.' [CM 2/8/2005]
Note by Douglas H. Johnson 4 June 2007 - 'The other man in both photos may well be Henry Godfrey Wedderburn-Maxwell (1897-1972) who was ADC UNP 1926-32 (mainly Fangak) and DC UNP 1937-46 (Western Nuer). He was shorter and stouter and wore glasses, which are evident if you magnify the second photo. Wedderburn-Maxwell was involved in various operations against the Gaweir and Lou in 1928-30. This would suggest that the photos were taken during the "Gaweir March" of 1928...Wedderburn-Maxwell took over the Zeraf Valley District in January 1928, and accompanied Coriat, who had been his predecessor, as political officer.' [CM 4/6/2007]
Note by Douglas H. Johnson 4 June 2007 - 'The other man in both photos may well be Henry Godfrey Wedderburn-Maxwell (1897-1972) who was ADC UNP 1926-32 (mainly Fangak) and DC UNP 1937-46 (Western Nuer). He was shorter and stouter and wore glasses, which are evident if you magnify the second photo. Wedderburn-Maxwell was involved in various operations against the Gaweir and Lou in 1928-30. This would suggest that the photos were taken during the "Gaweir March" of 1928...Wedderburn-Maxwell took over the Zeraf Valley District in January 1928, and accompanied Coriat, who had been his predecessor, as political officer.' [CM 4/6/2007]
PRM Source:
Charles Kingsley Meek
1930 circa
Other Owners:
Charles Kingsley Meek Collection
Colonial , Expedition , Shelter , Settlement
Tent , Village
1991 correspondence between D. Zeitlyn and C.I. Meek in Related Documents File
Christopher Morton [24/6/2005] [Southern Sudan Project]
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