
Accession Number:
[White Nile]
Date Made:
By 1903
Plant Seed , Plant Fibre , ?Cotton Yarn Plant
Twisted , Tied , Perforated , Strung
Max L [string, doubled] = 510 mm Max L [seed] = 22.7 mm Max W [seed] = 13.4 mm Max Th [seed] = 13 mm Max Diam [cord] = 1.3 mm
64.7 g
Other Owners:
Collected by Donald Gunn in the Southern Sudan and presented to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1903. Museum records do not give a specific provenance for this item, but Gunn appears to have collected Shilluk material from the ‘White Nile’, ‘Upper Nile’, Kodok
Field Collector:
Donald Gunn
PRM Source:
Donald Gunn
Donated 1903
Collected Date:
By 1903
Long piece of twisted plant fibre cord, possibly cotton, tied together at the top with a thick knot.
A series of 40 seeds have been strung onto this cord; the two strands have been brought together near the top with the last bead threaded over them both, forming a kind of toggle.
Each seed has an elongated oval body and is oval in plan view; these have been perforated at either end.
Six beads also feature an additional hole, bored through the side near one end; the function of this is unknown, although the holes have regular edges and look to be artificial.
The beads are otherwise unmodified.
The necklet is complete, although one seed has some splits near its end.
The seeds are a mid brown colour (Pantone 463C), , while the cord is more yellowish brown (Pantone 465C).
The string is 510 mm, doubled up, and has a diameter of 1.3 mm.
The seeds vary only slightly in dimensions, with a typical example being 22.7 mm long, 13.4 mm wide and 13 mm thick.
The necklace weighs 64.7 grams.
Collected by Donald Gunn in the Southern Sudan and presented to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1903. Museum records give only the generic provenance of ‘White Nile’ for this item; Gunn appears to have collected Shilluk material from the ‘White Nile’, ‘Upper Nile’, Kodok and Bor, Nuer material from around Lake No, Dinka material from the ‘White Nile’ and Arab material from Omdurman.
Currently on display in the Lower Gallery, case 106A.
Rachael Sparks 18/9/2005.
Collected by Donald Gunn in the Southern Sudan and presented to the Pitt Rivers Museum in 1903. Museum records give only the generic provenance of ‘White Nile’ for this item; Gunn appears to have collected Shilluk material from the ‘White Nile’, ‘Upper Nile’, Kodok and Bor, Nuer material from around Lake No, Dinka material from the ‘White Nile’ and Arab material from Omdurman.
Currently on display in the Lower Gallery, case 106A.
Rachael Sparks 18/9/2005.
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry [III, p.
110] - 1903 [pencil insert] 16 [end insert] DR D.
GUNN Esq., M.B.
40 Dover Street, London, W.
[...] [p.
114, pencil insert] 132 [end insert] - Necklet of large seeds, White Nile.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the tribes catalogue card [RTS 30/1/2004].
Old Pitt Rivers Museum label - Necklet. WHITE NILE, AFRICA. Pres. by D. Gunn Esq., 1903 [rectangular metal edged tag, tied to object, RTS 3/6/2004]
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the tribes catalogue card [RTS 30/1/2004].
Old Pitt Rivers Museum label - Necklet. WHITE NILE, AFRICA. Pres. by D. Gunn Esq., 1903 [rectangular metal edged tag, tied to object, RTS 3/6/2004]