Dinka or Jur stool

Accession Number:
[Southern Sudan] ?Western Equatoria Na’am River near Mvolo
Cultural Group:
Agar Dinka Jur
Date Made:
By 1940
Wood Plant
Other Owners:
Charles Gabriel Seligman
Field Collector:
? Charles Gabriel Seligman & ?Brenda Zara Seligman
PRM Source:
Charles Gabriel Seligman or Brenda Zara Seligman
Donated 1940
Collected Date:
By 1940
Combined stool and club-shield
, in animal shape, taken from a Jur/ Agar Dinka chief, living on the Bahr el Naam river near Mvolo.
This object was donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum by Charles Gabriel Seligman in 1940. It may have been collected by himself and his wife while conducting fieldwork in the Southern Sudan during the 1920's.
S.L. Cummins described the Agar Dinka as occupying territory from Naburi to Rumbek, primarily along the Nam river. They were said to be one of the richest, most numerous and most warlike Dinka tribes (S.L. Cummins 1904, "Sub-tribes of the Bahr-el-Ghazal Dinkas", JRAI 34, 149).
Rachael Sparks 30/9/2005.
This object was donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum by Charles Gabriel Seligman in 1940. It may have been collected by himself and his wife while conducting fieldwork in the Southern Sudan during the 1920's.
S.L. Cummins described the Agar Dinka as occupying territory from Naburi to Rumbek, primarily along the Nam river. They were said to be one of the richest, most numerous and most warlike Dinka tribes (S.L. Cummins 1904, "Sub-tribes of the Bahr-el-Ghazal Dinkas", JRAI 34, 149).
Rachael Sparks 30/9/2005.
Primary Documentation:
Accession Book Entry
The late Professor C.G.
Miscellaneous collection presented in part by himself, June, 1940, and in part, after his death, by Mrs B.Z.
Seligman, October, 1940.
495] 1940.12.536 [Drawing], [p.
496] 1940.12.536 - Combined stool and club-shield, in animal shape, taken from a half-bred JUR-AGAR-DINKA chief living on the BAHR-EL-NAAM R[iver]., near M’VOLO, S.E.
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 28/1/2004].
Card Catalogue Entry - There is no further information on the catalogue card [RTS 28/1/2004].