Mandari men wearing beads

Mandari men wearing beads
54 x 53 mm | Print gelatin silver
Date of Print:
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A full-length portrait of two Mandari men holding spears (possibly abat, large type used for hunting Buffalo etc.) and wearing a number of strings of rem waist beads, forming a 'corset'. The youth to the right also has a hair-fringe neck ornament. The colour configuration of these beads exhibited relative age-grade status. Age-grades among the western Mandari seem to have been a relatively recent, loosely defined or organized borrowing by youths from their Atuot neighbours, there being no memory of age-grades or even initiation in the past. In general, the Mandari Köbora men wore more strings of beads around the waist than the Mandari 'Boronga' such as the Dari, but did not have the same age grade system as the latter.
Jean Carlile Buxton
Date of Photo:
1950 - 1952
[Southern Sudan] Bahr el Jebel
Mandari ?Köbora
PRM Source:
Ronald Carlile Buxton via Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Donated 1988
Other Owners:
Jean Buxton Collection
Ornament , Clothing Headgear , Bead , Weapon
Ornament Body , Spear , Club , Ornament Neck
See Related Documents File. Buxton field notebooks in Tylor Library.
Other Information:
This print was made before the negative was cut down, and contains more visual information. [Chris Morton 7/3/2005]
Christopher Morton 7/3/2005 [Southern Sudan Project]
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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