Ingessana ritual dance

Ingessana ritual dance
103 x 76 mm | Print gelatin silver
There are records relating to alternative images that we do not have scans for in the database:
1998.344.87.1 - Negative film nitrate , (103 x 76 mm)
Date of Print:
Previous PRM Number:
Previous Other Number:
BB 8

Accession Number:
A small group of calk players enacting a dance for Evans-Pritchard near his hut in Soda district, with a male player whipping a person with a switch. This community group led by a hereditary female ritual expert (tau:n) are primarily concerned with the promotion of life forces in the community (hence their ribaldry and disorganisation) and specifically with children and twins.
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Date of Photo:
1926 November - December
Blue Nile Tabi Hills Soda
Ingessana (Gaam)
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Donated 1966
Other Owners:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection
Religion , Ritual , Dance
Dance Accessory
Original catalogue lists in Manuscript Collections. Additional material in related documents files. [CM 27/9/2005]
Primary Documentation:
PRM Accession Records - Accession Book Entry [p. 98] 1966.27 [1 - 24] G[ift] PROFESSOR E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD; INST. OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 51 BANBURY RD. OXFORD - 1966.27.19 - S. SUDAN, DARFUNG. VARIOUS TRIBES. Box of negatives in envelopes, [1 - 242] & 1966.27.20 - Box of prints of these negatives [refers to object 1966.27.19] [1 - 242], in envelopes.

Manual Catalogues [typewritten, entitled "Ingassana"] - 87. Ceremonial dancing. BB-8

Note on print reverse ms pencil - "tsalk dance (exhibition near my home) BB-8"

Other Information:
In A Preliminary Account of the Ingassana Tribe in Fung Province, Sudan Notes and Records X, 1927, page 74, E. E. Evans-Pritchard notes 'Chalk. These are players who function at marriage, the birth of twins and the illness of children. The head of these players possesses a wooden figure of a man or of a woman, or both, and also a wooden phallus with which he plays. The office is generally hereditary, but anyone who learns the dances may play.' The calk institution is also discussed in detail in chapter 8 (pp.65-77) of M.C. Jedrej's Ingessana: The Religious Institutions of a People of the Sudan-Ethiopia Borderland (E.J.Brill, The Netherlands 1995)[Chris Morton 4/2/2004]
Christopher Morton 5/2/2004 [Southern Sudan Project]
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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