Mabaan man

Mabaan man
100 x 75 mm | Print gelatin silver
Date of Print:
Previous PRM Number:
Previous Other Number:
Q 7

Accession Number:
An upper body full face portrait of a seated man wearing iron arm rings, a neck orMabaan (Burun)nament and with white ochre on his forehead. This man also features as one of three men holding up bows and arrows in another image. Evans-Pritchard had intended a tour of the Southern Burun (who Evans-Pritchard calls Meban) of the Yabus river after visiting Jebel Ulu, whose people were related. However, sickness meant that he had to restrict interviews to a group of three Mabaan men from Koda who had been summoned to Ulu by the local ruler Sheikh Idris.
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Date of Photo:
1926 December
Blue Nile Jebel Ulu
Publication History:
Contemporary Publication - Reproduced as Plate IVb (facing page 18) of E. E. Evans-Pritchard's 'Ethnological Observations in Dar Fung', Sudan Notes and Records Vol.XV, Part i, 1932, with the caption 'Meban Type (Koda)'. [Chris Morton 24/2/2004]
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Donated 1966
Other Owners:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection
Physical Anthropology , Ornament , Body Art
Body Art Paint , Ornament Neck , Ornament Arm
Original catalogue lists in Manuscript Collections. Additional material in related documents files. [CM 27/9/2005]
Primary Documentation:
PRM Accession Records - Accession Book Entry [p. 98] 1966.27 [1 - 24] G[ift] PROFESSOR E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD; INST. OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 51 BANBURY RD. OXFORD - 1966.27.19 - S. SUDAN, DARFUNG. VARIOUS TRIBES. Box of negatives in envelopes, [1 - 242] & 1966.27.20 - Box of prints of these negatives [refers to object 1966.27.19] [1 - 242], in envelopes.

Manual Catalogues [typewritten, entitled "Ingassana"] - 218. Man - front view. (Burun). Q.7

Note on print reverse ms pencil - "Q7"
Other Information:
Ethnographic context - In 'Ethnological Observations in Dar Fung', Sudan Notes and Records Vol.XV, Part i, 1932 p. 17, E. E. Evans-Pritchard notes that 'It had been my ambition to to extend my tour to include the Southern Burun within its circuit since they are ethnologically-speaking an almost unknown people. Sickness compelled me to abandon the project, however, and I had to be content with a short chat with a few Meban from Koda who Sheikh Idris had summoned to Ulu during my stay there.' [Chris Morton 24/2/2004]
Christopher Morton 24/2/2004 [Southern Sudan Project]
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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