Zande chief

Zande chief
104 x 78 mm | Print gelatin silver
Date of Print:
Previous PRM Number:
Previous Other Number:
46 2 (+55)

Accession Number:
A portrait of a chief (identified as Binza) seated on a canvas chair, photographed in Prince Rikita's country. He is dressed in a military-style uniform, perhaps of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan force, and has a European-style moustache. He is probably the same chief noted by Evans-Pritchard as having been expelled from Prince Ngindö's province on an accusation of sorcery, which may account for his having being photographed in Rikita's province. He is also noted as being the brother of Bazugba son of Bafuka, who was accused of killing their father Bafuka by sorcery, and a further brother, Malingindu was also accused of sorcery and expelled by Prince Gangura. [CM 13/07/2006]
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Date of Photo:
1927 - 1930
[Southern Sudan] Western Equatoria Yambio
Biographical Information -On page 401 of Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande (OUP 1937) E. E. Evans-Pritchard notes that 'During my stay in Zandeland Prince Ngindo expelled a noble relative, Binza, from his territory because he had placed menzere medicine in a present of termites he had made to the prince. Binza is a brother of that Bazugba who is mentioned earlier.'
PRM Source:
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Donated 1966
Other Owners:
E. E. Evans-Pritchard Collection
Physical Anthropology , Toilet , Clothing , Colonial
Hair , Uniform
Original catalogue lists in Manuscript Collections. Additional material in related documents files. [CM 27/9/2005]
Primary Documentation:
PRM Accession Records - [1966.27.21] G PROFESSOR E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD; INST. OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 51 BANBURY RD. OXFORD - S. SUDAN, AZANDE TRIBE. Box of negatives in envelopes. Nos. 1 - 400
Added Accession Book Entry - [In pencil in column] Catalogue room.
[1966.27.23] G PROFESSOR E. E. EVANS-PRITCHARD; INST. OF SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 51 BANBURY RD. OXFORD - S. SUDAN, AZANDE TRIBE. Box of prints in envelopes, nos. 1 - 400 (prints of negatives in 1966.27.21)

Manual Catalogues [typewritten, entitled "Zande Photographs (E-P)"] - 470. Chief (Binza) (Rikita's country). 46/2 (+55)

Christopher Morton 12/11/2003 [Southern Sudan Project]
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council
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